5 Common Myths about Skincare


These days it can seem like everyone is a skincare expert. With the rise of “self-care culture,” you can find hundreds of thousands of skincare products and recommendations online. But how does one separate fact from fiction? One of the tricky things about skin care is that so much of it depends on each individual’s unique hormonal makeup.

However, there are 5 common skincare myths that we can help to dispel outright.

1. Anti-aging products work overnight.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, most products take 4-6 weeks to work.

This means that if you apply an anti-aging moisturizer at night, you probably won’t see results the next morning.

Anti-aging products work by penetrating deep into the skin, hydrating and strengthening the skin to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles. That kind of reparative work takes time to take effect. If you’d like to experience quicker or more intense results, you can consider a more aggressive treatment.

ZO Skin Health’s Aggressive Anti-Aging Program is a great line of products to consider if you’re looking for a more intensive anti-aging treatment.

If you’re looking for a more gradual regimen, ZO also offers an Anti-Aging Program and a Daily Skincare Program that are less aggressive in their approach.

2. Moisturizer is all you need to prevent wrinkles and lines.

Though a great moisturizer is essential to any skincare routine, and can help to mask fine lines and wrinkles, it does not reverse or prevent aging. You still need to implement healthy skin care practices, including always wearing sunscreen, and implementing products into your routine that are rich in antioxidants.

ZO’s Daily Skincare Program offers an excellent line of anti-aging products, including their best-selling Daily Power Defense serum that is packed with antioxidants, and that helps to firm and tighten the skin.

3. Oily skin doesn’t need a moisturizer.

Another common skin care myth we hear is that if you have oily skin, you don’t need to use a moisturizer.

We understand why this can be a tempting thing to believe—when it seems like your skin is producing an excess of moisture, why add more?

Unfortunately, by skimping on moisturizer, you actually may be making your oily skin worse. When you strip your skin’s natural oils with a cleanser and don’t replenish it with a moisturizer, your skin actually creates more oil to compensate.

Instead, consider a light moisturizer and a gentle cleanser specifically designed for oily, breakout-prone skin. We highly recommend using the ZO Skin Health Acne Prevention and Treatment Program, as it comes with an Exfoliating Cleanser specifically designed to not strip and dry out oily skin.

4. You shouldn’t exfoliate dry skin.

We know it can seem counterintuitive to scrub at skin that is already dry and flaky, but that dryness is actually preventing your skin from receiving the moisture it needs. By using a gentle exfoliator designed to treat sensitive skin, you can gently remove the dead skin cells and provide your skin with the hydration it needs.

The ZO Daily Skincare Program comes with an excellent Exfoliating Cleanser designed to gently clean sensitive skin.

If you struggle with red, irritated skin, the ZO Skin Normalizing System is another great option to soothe inflammation and reduce the appearance of redness.

5. You can “scrub off” spots of hyperpigmentation.

Just as there are many different causes for hyperpigmentation, including sun damage and pregnancy hormones, there are also many different methods of treatment. Trying to “scrub off” the darkened skin is not one of them. By attempting this, you may actually damage your skin, leading to inflammation and further hyperpigmentation.

However, there are several healthier, more effective methods of treating hyperpigmentation.  ZO Skin Health offers both a Skin Brightening Program as well as a Skin Brightening Program + Texture Kit specifically designed to help reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation and reveal smoother, healthier-looking skin.

At the end of the day, the important thing to remember is to always consult a skincare professional if you have questions about how to care for your specific skin type.

If you’re interested in learning more about what types of products would be best for your skin, schedule a complimentary consultation with us! Our certified physician assistant will give you personalized recommendations, and provide you with a customized, at-home treatment plan. Call 541-618-1461 to schedule your consultation today!

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