Everything You Need To Know About RHA Fillers

A dynamic solution to aging, Resilient Hyaluronic Acid (RHA) filler has taken the esthetic world by storm. With its unique composition and innovative technology, this cosmetic treatment claims to deliver youthful, radiant results for a natural and rejuvenated appearance. These are promising statements, but you may wonder: what exactly is RHA filler and is it right for you?

What is Resilient Hyaluronic Acid (RHA) Filler?

Because the face is naturally dynamic, it makes millions of small movements every single day. As you talk, laugh, and go about your day, your face is creates small movements, and these can create facial lines called dynamic wrinkles. As we age, we begin to see these dynamic wrinkles in places like beside our eyes, lips, and nose. These areas never stop moving, so treating them can be challenging. Some improperly administered fillers can create a “frozen” effect, and make the treated area look stiff and immobile when you are talking or blinking. The goal of beautifully done aesthetic treatments is to make them look seamless and natural, and that’s where the RHA Collection excels. This unique dermal filler is designed to be adaptable to natural, dynamic facial movements and to look exceptionally flexible in motion and at rest. 

From 1989-2000, hyaluronic acid technology was being developed and approved to treat facial wrinkles and lines. Still, it wasn’t until 2003 that hyaluronic acid dermal fillers became more adopted and accepted among skincare professionals. Why hyaluronic acid? This is a substance that your skin naturally contains, providing structure and volume to your skin. As we age, our skin naturally produces less hyaluronic acid, causing depressions in the skin (sagging, wrinkles, fine lines, etc). Thankfully, the RHA collection uses a gentle manufacturing process that creates a product that resembles the natural hyaluronic acid your skin is lacking. The result is essential; areas treated by these specific types of fillers are resilient, which means they can go return to their original shape after being manipulated, stretched, or compressed. Smiling, talking, and laughing can manipulate these filled areas, but the structure of the RHA collection ensures that your movements will still look natural. 

Is RHA Filler the same as JUVÉDERM®?

Many patients confuse RHA filler with other injectables such as Botox or Juvederm, but there are some notable differences. Both RHA fillers and Juvederm contain hyaluronic acid, but they are processed differently. The hyaluronic acid that is in the RHA collection contains less chemical modifications and preservatives. RHA fillers also are FDA-approved for minimizing dynamic wrinkles and lines, which sets them apart from JUVÉDERM® (approved for improving static wrinkles). Additionally, RHA fillers take longer to be metabolized, which gives them a longer lifespan (approximately three months longer than facial fillers, but this depends on the patient).

What does RHA Filler treat?

RHA filler has many uses, but these are some of the common complaints patients want to treat:

  •  Small lines on the lips
  •  Deeper wrinkles, such as the folds near the nose
  •  Deep creases in the lower face
  • Cheek or mid-face enhancement
  • Tear trough (under eye circles)
  • Smile lines around the mouth
  • Drooping corners of the mouth

What happens during the RHA filler procedure?

There are several types of dermal fillers available, and our Southern Oregon medical spa can guide you to the one that is best for you. They are all generally administered in the same way, but it’s essential to have a professional consultation and treatment plan in place before receiving this procedure. At Renew Medical Spa, you can call today to begin the very simple consultation process, where you can receive all the information and meet your provider. Our expert staff can make sure it is right for you, or recommend a better combination of treatments based on your skin type and end goals. 

During the procedure, your skincare provider will take pictures of your face and will review possible side effects and recovery time with you. Your provider will also ask about your medical history, so it’s crucial to tell them about any medications you are taking, any allergies, and any bruising or bleeding conditions. Then, your provider will clean your skin and apply an anesthetic cream for your comfort. After you are comfortable, the provider will use a thin needle to insert the fillers under your skin. Because there is an anesthetic provided, this is only minimally uncomfortable. The whole process takes approximately thirty minutes, depending on how large your treatment area is. You may experience slight swelling afterward, so a cold compress applied to the area can aid in reducing swelling. You’ll need to avoid sunbathing and cold outdoor activities immediately after your treatment. Many patients who receive dermal fillers see a visible reduction in wrinkles for six months to two years following their first treatment. However, our caring providers always create an individualized treatment plan for each patient; your results and the number of treatments you may need will vary. 

How do I get started?

RHA filler offers a revolutionary solution for those seeking to turn back the clock on aging. With its natural-looking results, minimal downtime and long-lasting benefits, it’s no wonder why RHA filler is quickly becoming the go-to choose for those looking to enhance their appearance. So why wait? Say goodbye to aging and hello to a youthful, refreshed complexion by booking with Renew Medical Spa today. 


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