Should I Book a BOTOX® Lip Flip or Dermal Lip Filler?

Pursuing any cosmetic treatment is a very personal decision, and it’s essential to consider what you hope to get out of the treatments. Preparation and knowledge can make choosing esthetic treatments feel empowering and help restore confidence for many patients. One treatment that has garnered quite a bit of attention recently has been the BOTOX® lip flip. This non-invasive, injectable procedure touts the ability to give you a “poutier,” Instagram-worthy lip line and a more expressive appearance of volume. You may be wondering what the difference is between the BOTOX® lip flip and a more traditional lip filler. Here are some key points and things to consider as you decide which one might be right for you:

What is a BOTOX® lip flip?

BOTOX® is a neuromodulator that relaxes muscles when injected. It is FDA-approved to treat wrinkles in the forehead, frown lines, and crow’s feet, but patients can also use it for other treatments. These are called “off-label” treatments by the American Board of Facial Cosmetic Surgery, which means they are novel uses of the injectable. The lip flip involves injecting 4-6 units of BOTOX® near the top of the upper lip and the corners of the mouth. It works by relaxing the muscles that connect to the upper lip, which allows the lip to relax, creating a more defined shape. The lip flip does not add actual volume to your lips but instead makes a change in the appearance of the shape. Lip flip can also treat a ‘gummy smile,’ where patients are unhappy with the amount of gum showing above their teeth. Additionally, injections of BOTOX® can relax the muscles on the sides of the nose that connect to the upper lip.

What are the benefits of a BOTOX® lip flip?

The lip flip is a subtle enhancement. It alters the appearance of the upper lip, creating a sloped silhouette and making it appear much fuller. Lip flip also requires minimal downtime, with most patients returning to their normal activities right away. In addition, it is an excellent way to test out lip treatments because it is subtle and non-invasive. It will take about a week to see the best results, and the effects can last approximately 3-4 weeks. The BOTOX® lip flip is also less expensive than a traditional lip filler.

What is traditional lip filler?

At Renew Medical Spa, we offer dermal fillers for lip augmentation. These exciting treatments enhance your natural lips by adding volume to create a fuller appearance. In 2018, the Cleveland Clinic found that healthcare providers performed over 2 million traditional lip filler procedures. During this procedure, your healthcare provider will apply a topical anesthetic to your lips (numbing will take approximately 15-30 minutes). Then, the provider will inject a small amount of filler into any or all the areas of your lips. You may experience mild bruising or swelling during the procedure. Although you should avoid sunbathing and cold weather activities right after, there are no other recovery restrictions.

What are the benefits of traditional lip filler?

One of the primary benefits of a traditional dermal filler is that the effects last from 12-24 months—this lasts much longer than the lip flip. The length of your results depends on your age and how fast your metabolism works since lip fillers don’t last as long in younger clients. The Cleveland Clinic also notes that traditional filler treatments have a low risk of complications. If you’re unhappy with how your lips look after your filler treatment, your healthcare provider can dissolve most types of filler. You can discuss this with your provider during your consult.

Another essential thing to note is that you can receive both treatments. If you are getting a traditional lip filler, you can couple it with a lip flip to enhance your appearance with a more drastic change. This dual-faceted approach is growing in popularity because it can extend the timeline of your results. Before you decide, you’ll need to make an appointment for a free consultation. Your consultation ensures that your provider knows your long-term goals for your appearance and how to best help you achieve them. It’s also crucial to always choose a knowledgeable provider who can help guide you to the best option for you and your lifestyle. Renew Medical Spa has experienced, caring staff who will provide you with an exceptional experience .

If you’re ready to change the appearance of your lips and boost your confidence, give us a call today at (541) 524-4416 to book your complimentary consultation.

Please note that the above information is intended to be observed as guidelines and is not intended to be a substitute for or construed as informed medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of licensed skincare professional with any questions you may have regarding facial skin and health.

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