Medical Esthetics – Before and After Photos

These Medical Esthetics procedures were performed by Abby Coats. Use the menu below to group the photos into categories, or click on the photos to see them in a slideshow.

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Before and after pictures: Phototherapy, Laser Resurfacing, & Profractional

Phototherapy, Laser Resurfacing, and Profractional

FOR: BROWN SPOTS, SKIN TEXTURE AND SKIN LAXITY GOAL: To decrease appearance of brown spots, improve skin texture & wrinkles and overall skin laxity. 56-year-old female received Forever Young Phototherapy, a 20 micron MicroLaser Peel and a 150 Profractional – Our North Star Peel Package.
Before and after images: Phototherapy, Laser Resurfacing, and Profractional

Phototherapy, Laser Resurfacing, and Profractional

FOR: BROWN SPOTS, SKIN TEXTURE AND LAXITY GOAL: To decrease appearance of brown spots, improve skin texture/wrinkles and overall skin laxity. 67-year-old female received Forever Young Phototherapy, a 20 micron MicroLaser Peel and a 150 Profractional – Our North Star Peel Package.
Before and after side-by-side: Phototherapy, Laser Resurfacing, Profractional

Phototherapy, Laser Resurfacing, Profractional

FOR: BROWN SPOTS, SKIN LAXITY AND TEXTURE GOAL: To decrease appearance of brown spots, improve texture of skin and overall skin laxity. 30-year-old female received Forever Young Phototherapy and a 40 micron Laser Resurfacing with 150 Profractional.
Before and after images of facial laser resurfacing treatment

Laser Resurfacing

FOR: SKIN LAXITY UNDER EYES GOAL: To tighten the loose skin of the lower eyelids for a more youthful appearance. 65-year-old female received lower eyelid Laser Resurfacing.
Before and after pictures of facial laser resurfacing treatment

Laser Resurfacing

FOR: SKIN LAXITY GOAL: To improve sagging skin especially at the lower face and jowl area, brighten skin. 51-year-old woman received Laser Resurfacing to full face.
Before and after images of laser resurfacing facial treatment

Laser Resurfacing

FOR: SKIN LAXITY AND WRINKLES GOAL: To brighten skin and improve skin laxity, fine lines and wrinkles throughout, especially lower face. 64-year-old female received full Laser Resurfacing to face.
Before & after pictures of laser resurfacing facial treatment

Laser Resurfacing

FOR: SKIN LAXITY AND WRINKLES GOAL: To brighten skin and improve skin laxity, fine lines and wrinkles throughout, especially lower face. 62-year-old female received full Laser Resurfacing to face.
Before and after images of laser resurfacing treatment

Laser Resurfacing

FOR: WRINKLES, LAXITY, AND BROWN SPOTS GOAL: To reduce damage caused by sun exposure, improve skin tone, improve wrinkles, and reduce the appearance of age spots. 66-year-old female received full resurfacing to face.
Before and after pictures of laser resurfacing treatment

Laser Resurfacing

FOR: WRINKLES, LAXITY AND BROWN SPOTS GOAL: To reduce damage caused by sun exposure, improve skin tone, improve wrinkles and reduce the appearance of age spots. 67-year-old female received full Laser Resurfacing to face.
Before and after pictures: Laser Resurfacing

Laser Resurfacing

FOR: WRINKLES AROUND MOUTH GOAL: To decrease wrinkles around mouth. 65-year-old female received full Laser Resurfacing to face.
Before and after pictures: Phototherapy, Laser Resurfacing, Profractional, Botox, and Dermal Filler

Phototherapy, Laser Resurfacing, Profractional, Botox, and Dermal Filler

FOR: SKIN LAXITY, WRINKLES AND BROWN SPOTS GOAL: To decrease appearance of sagging skin, wrinkles and brown spots and improve skin laxity while lifting the face for a more youthful appearance. 64-year-old female received Forever Young Phototherapy, Laser Resurfacing (Microlaser Peel), and Profractional to her full face. she also received Filler to lower face and cheeks and Botox to upper face.

Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress
Before and after pictures: Phototherapy, Laser Resurfacing, & Profractional

Phototherapy, Laser Resurfacing, and Profractional

FOR: BROWN SPOTS, SKIN TEXTURE AND SKIN LAXITY GOAL: To decrease appearance of brown spots, improve skin texture & wrinkles and overall skin laxity. 56-year-old female received Forever Young Phototherapy, a 20 micron MicroLaser Peel and a 150 Profractional – Our North Star Peel Package.
Before and after images: Phototherapy, Laser Resurfacing, and Profractional

Phototherapy, Laser Resurfacing, and Profractional

FOR: BROWN SPOTS, SKIN TEXTURE AND LAXITY GOAL: To decrease appearance of brown spots, improve skin texture/wrinkles and overall skin laxity. 67-year-old female received Forever Young Phototherapy, a 20 micron MicroLaser Peel and a 150 Profractional – Our North Star Peel Package.
Before and after side-by-side: Phototherapy, Laser Resurfacing, Profractional

Phototherapy, Laser Resurfacing, Profractional

FOR: BROWN SPOTS, SKIN LAXITY AND TEXTURE GOAL: To decrease appearance of brown spots, improve texture of skin and overall skin laxity. 30-year-old female received Forever Young Phototherapy and a 40 micron Laser Resurfacing with 150 Profractional.
Before and after images of facial laser resurfacing treatment

Laser Resurfacing

FOR: SKIN LAXITY UNDER EYES GOAL: To tighten the loose skin of the lower eyelids for a more youthful appearance. 65-year-old female received lower eyelid Laser Resurfacing.
Before and after pictures of facial laser resurfacing treatment

Laser Resurfacing

FOR: SKIN LAXITY GOAL: To improve sagging skin especially at the lower face and jowl area, brighten skin. 51-year-old woman received Laser Resurfacing to full face.
Before and after images of laser resurfacing facial treatment

Laser Resurfacing

FOR: SKIN LAXITY AND WRINKLES GOAL: To brighten skin and improve skin laxity, fine lines and wrinkles throughout, especially lower face. 64-year-old female received full Laser Resurfacing to face.
Before & after pictures of laser resurfacing facial treatment

Laser Resurfacing

FOR: SKIN LAXITY AND WRINKLES GOAL: To brighten skin and improve skin laxity, fine lines and wrinkles throughout, especially lower face. 62-year-old female received full Laser Resurfacing to face.
Before and after images of laser resurfacing treatment

Laser Resurfacing

FOR: WRINKLES, LAXITY, AND BROWN SPOTS GOAL: To reduce damage caused by sun exposure, improve skin tone, improve wrinkles, and reduce the appearance of age spots. 66-year-old female received full resurfacing to face.
Before and after pictures of laser resurfacing treatment

Laser Resurfacing

FOR: WRINKLES, LAXITY AND BROWN SPOTS GOAL: To reduce damage caused by sun exposure, improve skin tone, improve wrinkles and reduce the appearance of age spots. 67-year-old female received full Laser Resurfacing to face.
Before and after pictures: Laser Resurfacing

Laser Resurfacing

FOR: WRINKLES AROUND MOUTH GOAL: To decrease wrinkles around mouth. 65-year-old female received full Laser Resurfacing to face.
Before and after pictures: Phototherapy, Laser Resurfacing, Profractional, Botox, and Dermal Filler

Phototherapy, Laser Resurfacing, Profractional, Botox, and Dermal Filler

FOR: SKIN LAXITY, WRINKLES AND BROWN SPOTS GOAL: To decrease appearance of sagging skin, wrinkles and brown spots and improve skin laxity while lifting the face for a more youthful appearance. 64-year-old female received Forever Young Phototherapy, Laser Resurfacing (Microlaser Peel), and Profractional to her full face. she also received Filler to lower face and cheeks and Botox to upper face.

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