Say Goodbye to Peach Fuzz: Benefits of Dermaplaning

Peach Fuzz may be all the rage lately and show up in advertising, home painting trends, and clothing, but let’s be honest we love Peach Fuzz as the Pantone color of 2024, not as beauty trend. As your experts in top-notch beauty, we strive to have your skin looking baby soft and clean. What better way to do that than to get rid of that peach fuzz and shed some layers of dead skin while we’re at it? Two popular techniques that have gained traction in recent years are dermaplaning and shaving. While both methods aim to achieve smooth, hair-free skin, their approach and benefits differ. Let’s explore dermaplaning and shaving nuances to decide which technique suits you best.

Dermaplaning Benefits

Dermaplaning is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that involves using a surgical scalpel to gently scrape off the top layer of dead skin cells and vellus hair, commonly known as peach fuzz. One of the primary benefits of dermaplaning is its exfoliating effect. By removing dead skin cells, the procedure promotes smoother and brighter skin. Peach Fuzz Removal: Dermaplaning effectively eliminates fine facial hair, providing a flawless canvas for makeup application and allowing skincare products to penetrate more effectively. Although dermaplaning can be done at home, it is highly recommended to have the procedure performed by a trained esthetician in a spa or clinic. Professional dermaplaning ensures precision and reduces the risk of potential injuries. Having your procedure done by our skilled estheticians ensures a sterile environment. They give a correct 45-degree angle and taut skin, often missed in at-home methods.


Shaving is a more traditional method of hair removal that has been embraced by both men and women for centuries. Here are some aspects to consider when it comes to shaving. Shaving is a convenient and cost-effective method that can be easily done at home. All that is needed is a good-quality razor and shaving cream. Shaving cuts hair at the skin’s surface, leading to faster regrowth compared to dermaplaning. However, contrary to the common myth, shaving does not make hair grow back thicker or darker. When shaving, some individuals may experience irritation, razor burn, or ingrown hairs. Proper technique and the use of suitable shaving products can minimize these issues.

Choosing the Right Method for You:

The choice between dermaplaning and shaving ultimately depends on individual preferences, skin type, and desired results. Here are a few considerations to help you decide:

  • Skin Sensitivity: With sensitive skin, dermaplaning might be a gentler option as it does not involve cutting the hair at the skin’s surface.
  • Exfoliation Needs: If you are looking for a deep exfoliation to remove dead skin cells, dermaplaning would be the preferred recommendation.
  • Convenience: For those seeking a quick and easy method for facial hair removal at home, shaving provides a time-tested solution but keep in mind that dermaplaning can be done on a lunch break.

Dermaplaning and shaving are both effective methods for facial hair removal, each with unique advantages. Choose between dermaplaning for precision and exfoliation or shaving for convenience, based on your skincare goals. Whichever method you opt for, embracing a consistent and proper skincare routine will contribute to maintaining healthy, radiant skin. Reach out to our experts for personalized advice on choosing the best skincare method for your lifestyle and skin type.

Ready for your dermaplaning consultation? Click here to learn more

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